Hello! Please join us for a wonderful event. Our Peace Write contest attracted a diverse group of students, and their essays are touching, inspiring, and hopeful. Winners will be reading from their work, and a chapbook of all the writings will be available and free to all attendees. This short gathering will include dances of India, peace music, and refreshments at Salt Lake Community College's Peace Garden. Located at the Southeast corner of the SLCC building at 1575 State St, Salt Lake City, UT. RSVP requested: bit.ly/PeaceRSVP PEACE FOR CHILDREN--GIVE US YOUR INPUT! We are looking for schools
Do you know a school like this? Please send info on schools you know about to us! Together, we can help children--and create a more peaceful future "It is no non-violence if we love merely those that love us. It is non-violence only when we love those that hate us." -- Gandhi Sign up to receive our newsletter by email here.
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